Monday, December 30, 2013

January 2014 Desktop Calendar - Free Download

For 2014's monthly calendars, I decided to do something different.

In past years, I've matched up the month with an appropriately themed photograph. For 2014, I will feature captures from my travels and most months will have two choices (probably because I couldn't decide which image I liked better). In creating this year's collection, it was fun to go back through my archives and relive those travel adventures.

For January, however, I decided to stay closer to home with two snow themed captures.

The first, taken one snowy Saturday morning last January at the University of Illinois' Japan House:

Most cities have lovely public gardens. The best time to visit in the winter is during a snowfall - the falling snow envelops the space with a quiet peace and sense of serenity. You can bet there won't be too many visitors, either.

To download the Japan House Calendar above, click on this link at Free Download - January 2014 Desktop Calendar - Japan House

This month's second image was taken at the barn where my daughter boards her horse. This isn't her horse, but one of the other magnificent equines who call the barn their home. I just love how furry they get during the winter months.

To download the Horse Calendar above, click on this link at Free Download - January 2014 Desktop Calendar - Horse

Wishing you a Happy New Year and a Big Welcome to 2014!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Where are You Going?

Where have you been?

In Formation

We get a lot of that sort of question this time of year. Reflect upon the past year. Set goals for the coming year.

As if we can't set goals any other time.

OK, that was kind of harsh ... so maybe you have picked up that I am not a big fan of the end of December / beginning of January resolutions / fresh year, fresh start thing.

For me, each day is a fresh start. Don't wait until January 1 to make whatever change or resolution you think you should make. Do it today.


Leaving you with a video of one of my favorite songs this time of year. December, performed live by Sara Bareilles. The sound quality is a little rough at times, but I still love it.

Lyrics at the bridge:
Distill a whole year down into a day
Act like we all start over with a pristine slate
But to get yourself a new life you've got to give the other one away
And I'm starting to believe in the power of a name
Cause it can't be a mistake if I just call it change

Go, change today. I'll even go and change my blog's header!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Some shots of the hoar frost that formed last week. I knew it was coming the night before as the freezing fog settled in.




All photos taken from a tree in my neighbor's back yard. I'm lucky they don't mind me traipsing around their landscaping...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

2013Christmas Card

From my family to yours, wishing you peace and happiness this Christmas Season.

Photo taken at Otter Point, Acadia National Park, Maine.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Band Concert

Just in time for the holiday season - the Boy's Winter band concert, featuring my favorite group, the Jazz band.

I love any jazz band, but more so this with this group because my son is playing the first alto sax. These kids practice three times a week at 7am, so you know they have to enjoy it to get up that early!
When I Fall In Love Solo
He had a solo during "When I Fall in Love" - that's the only time to capture a decent photo.

Friend G picked up the Tenor Sax this year, just to join his friends in the band.
Warm ups

Other featured soloists:

At the end of their performance - I think they were pleased with the effort!
Good Job

Monday, December 16, 2013

First Snow Ramblings

Our first snow (maybe two inches) fell over a week ago, but was then overshadowed by last Friday night's big dump of eight inches.

We awoke to this winter wonderland, the view of our backyard:

So Pretty Outside #winterwonderland #snow

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?
J. B. Priestley

My good neighbor, Bob, plowed all the driveways in our cul-de-sac Friday night, around midnight, but come Saturday morning it was as if he hadn't done a thing. Instead of my usual Saturday morning run, I shoveled out the driveway. I know I would have enjoyed a nice run through the softly falling snow more, but eight inches of the fluffy stuff is really hard to get through. Now, if I had a pair of cross country skis, that would have been perfect.

The heavy snow has also given my daughter valuable lessons on how to drive in white stuff - perhaps experiences she would rather not repeat. Somehow, she has managed to find herself off the road in a ditch twice. In both instances, she was pulled out by nice people. I just hope her ditch finding days are over!

Any snow in your neck of the woods?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Free Download - December 2013 Desktop Calendar

Happy December! May your month be filled with the joy of the holiday season!

To download December's free calendar, click on this link at Free Download - December 2013 Desktop Calendar