Friday, November 8, 2013

Frost On the Red Carpet

I couldn't resist the fresh coat of frost on the grass and leaves this morning. The recent rains and wind have stripped the trees of their pretty leaves, but they are almost as lovely on the ground as they are on the branches.

Magic Carpet Ride

The Red Carpet

Even devoid of color, I love the lines and texture.
Lines and Vines

There's even a bit of green still around.

Frost is fleeting - once the sun hits, it's gone.


  1. How stunning and beautiful. I love the colored.

  2. We had a pretty good frost this morning as well - should have followed suit and gone out for some pictures (I suspect though we'll get more). Love the candied details on these.

    Have a good weekend.

  3. Gorgeous Shirley! Love the detail in the black and white. It always takes my breath away how marvelous nature's work is... you've captured it beautifully.

  4. These are gorgeous shots!

  5. Great pictures - frosts are a rarity in my little part of the world.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. I do love frost as well - makes everything look so sparkly! :-)

  7. These are so pretty, Shirley.
    It looks like they are sugar-coated.
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. well I'm glad you went out to capture it before the sun melted it -- very pretty
