Monday, September 9, 2013

Chicago Day Trip and Blog Friends

I'm here to testify that the connections made through the blog world are real and genuine. Meeting a blog friend in real life is so special - I was so happy to have the opportunity to meet Tina yesterday in the Windy City. She's visiting Chicago all the way from Sweden and she is as awesome in real life as she is on her blog!

Snack Time with Two Sweeties! #sweet #sprinkles

We spent some time shopping along Michigan Ave - something [I am ashamed to say] I have never done... I had the pleasure of introducing Tina to Lululemon and I think she's hooked! We walked and walked and walked and after all that walking, treated ourselves to a sweet treat - cupcakes from Sprinkles. We walked all the way up to Navy Pier, where there are amazing views of the city and of course, lots of people to watch.


1. Disappearing Act #chicago #skyscrapers #fog, 2. Conversations #chicago, 3. Snack Time with Two Sweeties! #sweet #sprinkles, 4. Sunday Stroll #chicago, 5. Day Trip to #Chicago with @tinajo73, 6. Light My Life #church

It was a really fun day - something I wouldn't normally do on a Sunday. Meeting Tina was the "icing on the cupcake". She is the third blog friend I've met in real life and I hope to meet others in the future. You can read her blog post on our adventure here - there's even a photo of me!

Have you met blog followers IRL? Aren't they always exactly as you would expect them to be?

Shared with Mosaic Monday.


  1. You´re so sweet - thank you! We were lucky too, the heat the day after was tough so if we had done all of that walking THAT day we´d be in terrible shape, haha!

  2. What a wonderful time this must have been, Shirley!
    It is so much fun to finally meet someone with whom you've been friends with online.

  3. That's so cool. :) Tina has a trip scheduled to HK next Dec (yes, she's already planned that far ahead!).

  4. Hey -- I know that lady! How fun to meet her in person. Did she have a Swedish accent? (dumb question)

    I have met one blogger friend in person and they weren't exactly as I imagined, but in a good way.

  5. You've already met three fellow bloggers, wow... I've only read about it, and imagine it must be a wonderful experience! Looks like you and Tina had a great time together... btw, hope your Nikon is in full working mode now :)

  6. How fun that you got to meet in Chicago, my home town. Fun to read both of your blogs and to see the reunion from both sides!
