A couple of weeks ago, I rejoiced as I received my "third child" (aka my D600) back!
The Nikon Service guys replaced its shutter mechanism, updated the firmware, cleaned it up and even wrapped it quite nicely in plastic.

I unwrapped it, put a lens on it, adjusted the focus back to single point (I had to break out the manual to figure that out, sheesh) and then it sat in my purse, unused.
Actually, since I keep it in my purse, I lugged it around with me everywhere. But I was slow on the picture taking. I blame it on the late summer heat and humidity - it was so hot and humid, all I wanted to do was hide in my air conditioned house (until the air conditioning unit fan shot craps, but that is another story). I had no desire to go outside and take photos.
Slowly, it made appearances at my son's baseball games. One or two shots here and there. Then I got into a groove and remembered how much I enjoyed capturing these moments in life. And I remembered how awesome this camera is at capturing action shots.

Yup, he was out at second, but it was a good effort.

Strike! And a poof of dust at the Catcher's Mitt!

The Coach gives some constructive direction after a tough inning.

They are certainly having fun playing ball this year. Our team has a winning record and we're heading into the post season - wish us luck as we play in a semi final on Saturday! I'll be there to capture more action (and those in-the-dugout shenanigans).