Sunday, July 21, 2013

Seize the Day - Acadia's Ocean Path Revisited

We awoke Wednesday morning (July 3) to bright, sunny skies. The skies were blue and there was much rejoicing!

About half the group decided to go and explore the Ocean Path. This was a repeat visit for me, but I didn't have any issues revisiting the beautiful coast, especially with the clear day. This time, we started from the north and headed south. We arrived early and had no issues finding a parking spot at the popular Sand Beach parking lot. [side bar - my advice during high season for ANYTHING - arrive early and you beat the crowds and the heat - this applies to amusement parks, Disney, whatever!]

It didn't take long for the kids to venture off the path and onto the rocks. After the initial parental response ("Be Careful! Don't get too close to the edge! Take small Steps! Don't Run!"), we realized the kids are old enough to exercise caution and we (my sister and I) stopped barking out orders and let them roam the rocks.

Along the Cliffs

They even staged some "fun" shots:
Save Me!

Tally Ho

We took time for family photos:
Family Photo

Family Photos

And overall had a great morning.
Seize the Day

Shared with Mosaic Monday.


  1. Great shots in such a gorgeous area!

  2. We were in Maine last fall but only for a few hours. I fell in love and hope to return there someday... hopefully to live there. I felt so in awe of the ocean.

  3. Pretty photos of the coastline and I love the "fun" shots. Acadia is a great place to visit, thanks for sharing your trip! Have a happy week!

  4. Wow Shirley, this is an amazing experience you've shared here! Your words and pics capture the seize the day experience every time!Thank you!

  5. Magical and fun photo mosaic ~ fun time for all ~ Happy Week to you ^_^

  6. Scrumptious photos! I see that your family has a great sense of humor!

  7. Looks like alot of fun!!! Great group ther.

  8. It looks like a wonderful family vacation with memories to last forever.

  9. wonderful pictures Shirley - gorgeous location.

  10. Wonderful family photos of a perfect day. Valerie
