Monday, May 27, 2013

Hello Monday | Remembrance

Old Glory

Hello Memorial Day | Before it became Memorial Day, the last Monday in May was known as Decoration day. This holiday was born out of the Civil War as a day to remember those died in during the Civil War. Since then, it has been extended to honor all Americans who gave their lives serving their country. May we take time to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

Hello Abscess | Looks like I'm not the only one with a foot problem - Caesar has an abscess in his right hind hoof. We knew something was wrong, as he wouldn't trot well and my daughter hasn't been able to ride him for over a week because of it. Now we know - so each day he'll receive a thorough cleaning, foot soak, iodine treatment and hoof wrap. Sounds like he's at the nail salon getting a pedicure, right?

Hello Last Week of School | I know the kids are looking forward to the carefree days of no school, sleeping in and hanging out with their friends. My daughter just has to get through final exams. For me, the end of school means more relaxed mornings.

Hello Trip Activity Planning and Final Preparations | I'm finalizing the various day trips for my upcoming trip to visit my sister in London. We have day trips planned to the Harry Potter Studios, Bristol, and Bath. In the city, the girls have to see Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly and I would love to visit Kew Gardens. Final preparations entail getting British pounds before we leave, buying gifts and figuring out what to pack!

hello monday | looking forward to what the week has in store for us.

Inspired by my friend, Lee at Embrace Life, Hello Monday provides a peek into the coming week - in all its glory. Join us and Lisa for the Hello Monday fun


  1. Have a blessed Memorial Day! :-)

  2. Oh gosh, a trip to London sounds great. Just make sure you take a rain jacket. Hoof abcesses are a nuisance, but at least it's a lameness that goes away once it clears up.

  3. A very heart warming visual tribute. We, just today, finally have both kiddos home for the summer and while the mornings should become less hectic, I'm sure the days will make up for it.

    Congratulations on your up-coming trip - sounds like great fun.

  4. Hoof soaking - uugghh been there, done that -- longest 15 minutes of the barn visit - but easily fixed with time & care.
    Harry Potter studios - I'm jealous!!! hope you post a lot of pictures from that trip. We'll have to settle for Universal Studios - Harry Potter theme park one summer (travel is just so expensive).

  5. Ouch, that abscess sounds painful...hope it heals fast! Hope you have a marvelous trip to London...look forward to seeing many vacation photos here!
