Monday, May 20, 2013

Hello Monday | It's Just Another Year

The New Flickr - Hot Off the Press

Hello Heat Wave and A/C | yup, we skipped spring and went straight to summer. It's been over 90 these last few days and the air conditioning is on. A few of my neighbors haven't succumbed to the heat - I see their windows wide open and wonder how they can stand it.

Hello Lilacs | You've finally bloomed and fill the air with your heady fragrance

Hello New Flickr | Wow - new look - I think I like it!

Hello Baby birds | A bird built a nest in our front door's hanging basket. This happened three years ago and the nest was abandoned. I surmised there was a new nest this season, as each time I opened the door, a bird would appear and fly away, but didn't dare peek in until last week. I saw three hungry mouths wanting to be fed. Since then, we have stopped using the front door. I still see momma and dad (the bird in the branches above) hanging around and flying around the door, so I'm hoping the babies are doing OK.

Hello Long Weekend | Memorial Day signifies the start of summer around here - the pools open and school is wrapping up.

Hello 46 | Yup, another year older for me. As I was telling my bloggy friend and fellow runner, Kyla, my mind certainly doesn't feel over forty, but my ligaments and tendons are starting to reveal that they are. I'm still nursing my right ankle, but hoping to getting back to running later on this week or next. Could it be that in my older age, I'm becoming more patient? I doubt it.

hello monday | looking forward to what the week has in store for us.

Inspired by my friend, Lee at Embrace Life, Hello Monday provides a peek into the coming week - in all its glory. Join us and Lisa for the Hello Monday fun


  1. Thanks for the reminder about the long weekend! haha. We've been so busy that I forgot all about it. I miss seeing/smelling lilac. My mom used to grow lots of it.
    Have a great week and birthday too!! =)

  2. I love lilacs - they smell divine! :-)

  3. Have a great birthday!!
    We are wrapping up school here as well - but still have 3 weeks to go - many field trips, concerts, award ceremonies - I think it is busier than any other time of the year.

  4. Hello Tuesday Shirley :) I share your sentiments about the heat... while I don't like to turn on the air conditioner this early, the 85+ degree weather and humidity are hard to bear! I'm still getting used to the new Flickr interface, it's a bit overwhelming at the moment...

  5. It's taking me a bit of time to learn my way around, but I LOVE the new Flickr! :-)
