Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Night Tulips

Yes, I lead such an exciting life. So exciting that on a Friday night, I'm sitting in the dining room, on the computer, posting photos of the tulips I took photos of this afternoon.

Center Flame


I'm also trying to keep the cat off the computer mouse. He likes to sit on it. Kind of makes working on the computer a little difficult.

And I'm listening to Sara Bareilles on my iPhone. I've found videos from her current acoustic tour on You Tube and yearn to see her again in concert.

Yeah, I'm singing along to the music - I can tonight without being accosted because it's just me and the cats in the house - ah, such freedom.

Can you stand the excitement?


Here's to hoping your Friday night is livelier than mine....


  1. Exciting or not, the tulip photos are so nice.

  2. Excitement can be over-rated. I vote for contentment anytime. These are lovely Shirley. Happy Mother's Day.
