Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello Monday - Reboot?

Lincoln Game
The Almost Goal from a Week Ago. Soccer Resumes This Week.

hello normal routine, again | after last week's huge snowstorm, snow day, back to school, cancelled games, three day school week and Easter holiday, this coming week will be the real return to the normal routine - including soccer games, track practice, early jazz band and school work.

hello real spring weather | yes, it appears that warmer days are upon us - the past few warm days made quick work of erasing that white stuff that fell just last week. Like the storm was a dream....

hello Final Four | Scott's team (Syracuse) persevered to advance farther than any of us expected. And my NCAA bracket? Well, let's just say if I was trying to come in last place, I would be winning.

hello green smoothies | I just started making these in the morning, along with my daughter's non-green smoothie. It's a combination of greek yogurt, pineapple, banana (if available), frozen mango, mango juice and spinach. I have baby kale to use this week. I find that if I take this to work, I'm less apt to buy a snack from the vending machine or eat the treats people leave out.

hello band competitions | on tap for this coming weekend, I'm excited to hear how the concert band and jazz bands sound, especially since I missed their last performance.

hello long miles | I didn't think I could manage a double digit run last Saturday, but I did it and my IT band pain has been held at bay by stretching and ice. It's four weeks until the marathon / half marathon festivities, and while I know I won't be able to run the full, I am certain to get the half done. That's something to be thankful for.

hello monday | looking forward to what the week has in store for us.

Inspired by my friend, Lee at Embrace Life, Hello Monday provides a peek into the coming week - in all its glory. Join us and Lisa for the Hello Monday fun


  1. I´m so glad the running is working for you! I´ll be running 10 kilometers in May and even though the looong winter has delayed my training I´m looking forward to it - will most likely not be a super fast race for me but I´ll get it done. :-)

  2. It was rather springy here Sat and Sun -- today, there's a find layer of snow on the ground!

  3. It is finally beginning to be spring-like here too. Thank goodness!
    Sorry about your bracket. :-(
    I didn't do so hot either!
