Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello Monday | May Already

A Picture Perfect Start To a Race

Hello Soreness | In general, my legs feel pretty good, but they are slightly sore from Saturday's half marathon. I didn't have the best run, as the warmer temperatures caused me to experience cramping in my calves starting at mile 9. But I finished without having to stop, so I'll take it.

Hello Morning Runs | Now that race weekend has passed, it's time to incorporate another running day into my routine. I had stopped them because I was concerned about inflammation from my IT Band. As a bonus - it's now bright enough to really enjoy an early morning run.

Hello Soccer Rivalry | The big battle between city high schools will be played on Tuesday. Not sure who will prevail, but I know it will be an aggressive game.

Hello May | With all the rain we received in April, I'm expecting lots of May flowers! It's a month of birthdays and end of year activities. Wow, how the school year has flown by!

hello monday | looking forward to what the week has in store for us.

Inspired by my friend, Lee at Embrace Life, Hello Monday provides a peek into the coming week - in all its glory. Join us and Lisa for the Hello Monday fun


  1. a little rain, a little sun, a little work, a little fun. That's what May has in store. xox

  2. Congratulations on the race. It sounds like a lot of busy ahead, but with fun challenges. I can't wait to see your May flowers.

  3. Love your Hellos Shirley, what a wonderful way to begin and welcome the week. I wish I was a runner, seems like such great exercise for the body and mind. Congrats on the half-marathon!

  4. I hope the real warmth comes with May - it´s still too cold here and I want to go out without socks..! :-)
