Sunday, April 7, 2013

Band Competitions

Our son plays saxophone in his middle school band and jazz band. The concert band counts as a class during school - the group meets every day and the kids are graded on their participation and effort. The jazz band is completely voluntary - the group practices before school at 7am three times a week. You know these kids really value their sleep, so the musicians in the jazz band are pretty dedicated to the group, because I know getting up extra early isn't the easiest thing.

The bands participated in a competition this past weekend where their performance was judged. The concert band was a little "off" at times, but in general, performed well.

The jazz band sounded fantastic and received top results from the judges. It was really great to hear them do so well. I happened to miss their last performance because I was in the Bahamas (I didn't even realize I would be missing the event until the week before).

And some photos to highlight the event. The venue was very nice and I'm sure it was a treat for the kids to perform on a good stage.

Band Competition

We're very proud of our kids and the music program at the schools.

Linked to Mosaic Monday.


  1. The boys look so handsome in their black pants and white shirts. Band concerts are always a great time to affirm kids.

  2. love this post. i think the arts are so important to a well rounded education. you should be proud! yeehaw!

  3. Music of any kind is so good for all of us
