Sunday, March 24, 2013

Barns Along the Prairie

Yesterday's soccer season kick off tournament required us to take a little drive through the country, along the prairie and through some small towns. I only captured some of the barns I spotted along the way because I wasn't quite prepared with my camera. It was early and the sky was overcast - I didn't think my camera would come in handy until we had passed by some cool scenes.

But here is a small collection of the barns I managed to snap photos of.


Linked to Mosaic Monday.

And what a difference a day makes. Yesterday, we enjoyed a sunny afternoon and the warmest temperatures all month long - almost 50 degF. Right now, we are under a winter (hold on, isn't it Spring?) storm warning - there's at least 6 inches of heavy snow on the ground already and the snow isn't expected to wane until tomorrow morning! The kids are scheduled to go back to school tomorrow, but I'm betting on a snow day....

edited to add - it's official - snow day tomorrow!


  1. Beautiful barns! Must have been a nice drive. As for the snow....we got hit today and possibly more on the way. It seems very late in March to be having so much snow in our area.

  2. I love old barns and often snap them too. I imagine the skill and determination it took to build such big structures at a time when farmers didn't have much in the way of machinery - just their own two hands and the help of neighbours.

  3. Shirley, you know I love your photography. You definitely have an "eye" for beauty and you're obviously skilled with your camera - but another reason I think I love your photography so much is because they almost always makes me feel peaceful. I would have to drive for quite a while to see any barns (like these anyway) and I don't remember the last time I got to look across an open plain...
    Thanks for sharing. I am definitely a fan. ;)

  4. Magnificent photo mosaic of barns ~ Beautiful ~ Enjoy ^_^

  5. Great series of barn shots. The red barns are my favorite. Have a happy week!

  6. Those barns are so wonderful and I especially like the one bottom left hand of your mosaic. Barns have such neat points of interest anyway, and also great mystery, when you think of the secrets they may hold within their old walls~
