Tuesday, March 26, 2013

After The Storm

The spring blizzard of 2013 didn't disappoint - over a foot of snow here - I estimated around 13" - fitting for the year twenty - thirteen, don't you think?

The irony of it all - the kids were just about to return to school after a week long spring break - only to have their spring break extended due to a snow storm. Oh, we'll remember this one, just like the big snow we received in 2007. Even with all the snow, I know we are fortunate to have a warm roof over our heads to shelter us.

After the storm, it took me an hour to clear off half the driveway.

After the storm, the sun came out and the snow started to melt.

Because of the storm, I did what my inner voice told me to do - I baked limoncello cupcakes:
#snowmageddon Limoncello Cupcakes
I think it's a nesting instinct - and my family didn't object.
Oh, I also baked pumpkin muffins today (no photo - sorry).

After the storm, I captured some pretty photos.

Weighted Down
textures from ShadowHouse Creations

And as much as the snow is slowing the approach of spring and the rebirth of the earth, I know it will happen in time, and the dogwood will no longer be covered with snow, but with green leaves and white blossoms.

textures from Nancy Claeys

Linked to Tuesday Muse and Tuesdays Around the World.


  1. Amazing captures, Shirley. I'm so excited to see what you did with one of my textures -- that's the true reward. Like Christmas presents. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing at TM this week. xo

  2. You did a beautiful job on the editing of these photographs.....and the pumpkin muffins look delicious....

  3. Breath-taking photos, I don't have a favorite... just love them all!

  4. I guess you have an abundance of snow photos to play with and hopefully all this moisture will bring lush beauty when Spring finally arrives. The cupcakes look delicious.

  5. Those snow photos are beautiful!

    I was reading your 'More About Me' part and laughed out loud when I read what you said about your having had a stereotypical Chinese upbringing. See, I'm now reading Amy Chua's "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," and she said almost the same thing about a 'stereotypical' Chinese upbringing. I had a Chinese upbringing, too, but I guess it's not stereotypical in that I did not learn the violin nor went into engineering and is not a lawyer nor a doctor. :)

  6. Those snow shots are gorgeous..

  7. Love the snow photos and the textures are perfection. I'll have to go check out Nancy's textures. I didn't know she did that. :) Hope it warms up soon.

  8. It missed us this time!! :-)
    I do know though, that those absolutely yummy looking cupcakes could make me feel better about almost anything!

    I hope you're having a wonderful day, Shirley!

  9. Very pretty scenes! I can't wait for the snow to melt and the blooming to start!

  10. I really like the texture effects here.

  11. great captures ...
    and thankfully your garden wasn't in bloom!

  12. Oh those cupcakes look yummy! As do your photos!

  13. I have an inner voice that tells me tomoorows meeting is going to be awful, or that my mother is going to want to stay for more than a few days, why can't my my inner voice tell me to bake limoncello cupcakes.

  14. Sounds like a great way to spend a snow day. :)
