Friday, February 22, 2013

All Out a Cappella - a-Ca-Really

Last Saturday evening, Scott and I attended a local a cappella concert. This concert benefits the local school district's music program and features the best music you can make without instruments. Yes, I'm one of those a cappella geeks - a previous college a cappella singer - so I love seeing these groups perform and I'm always amazed at how mere voices can mimic a fully instrumented band.

It's been two years since I attended this annual concert (last year, I was out of commission due to knee surgery) and I am glad the inertia of a lazy weekend didn't keep us at home (because, you know, at our age, it is easier to just hang out at home on a Saturday evening).

All of the groups I took photos of are from the University of Illinois.

First up - No Strings Attached
No Strings Attached
Their sound was the most rooted in jazz, with complex chords and that veritable swing.

Next - The Rip Chords, an all female group
Rip Chords

Most of these groups compete in the International Championships of A Cappella (ICCA), and the next two groups took the first and second place honors at the Midwest Quarterfinal competition. Both groups will advance to the Semi Final Round at the end of March.

Another co-ed group, No Comment:
Belt It Out

They didn't sing this one last week, but it was their closer for the ICCA competition: Clarity

And finally, the Xtension Chords, a perennial favorite. I was glad that they mixed up their performance set with some new songs. They opened with Some Nights from Fun.

As always, I close my a cappella posts with a recommendation - if you live near a college, find out about their a cappella groups and go to a concert - the YouTube Videos just aren't the same. You will be blown away by the talent and music.


  1. I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED THESE TWO VIDEOS THAT YOU POSTED!! They are just great! Was this done at the U of I?? or in illinois. Do they have any cd's of this. Loved it! Thanks so much for sharing

  2. Glad you didn't stay home! Good for you, a girl of my own heart!

  3. I know words just don't do justice to these talented kids. Sounds like a great way to spend the evening.

  4. Such a great thing - and you´ve captured them well! :-)
