Sunday, January 27, 2013

Seize The Moment

As far as winters go, this one has been a mish mash. A little snow, a little rain, some cold temperatures (it got down to 0 DegF last week), some warm temperatures (two weeks ago I ran outside in shorts) and now we are getting some freezing rain.

The ground outside is devoid of snow, so there's plenty of dull green and brown to look at. Yeah, that's not too exciting. But the winter sun, especially at sunset, can illuminate the dull winter landscape.


The at sunset, the sunlight changes very quickly, so if you see something you want to take a photo of, you have to seize the moment, drop what you are doing and get the camera out. Looking outside from the family room, the sedum in the garden caught my eye - I liked how it was illuminated by the setting sun, so I grabbed the camera, put on my coat and crunched through the snow.

Winter Plantings

Five minutes later, the sun was gone. I don't recall what I stopped doing when my attention was diverted (probably folding laundry), but certainly, I'm glad I did.

Sedum Diptych

Sharing with Simple Things Sunday, Mosaic Monday


  1. Your photos are lovely. Since moving to NZ, I have learned to 'do it now' because it might not be there next time. Stores don't have continuous stocks and I never know when I will see a scene again.

  2. Your photos are so, so lovely! I'm still in the get-to-know-you phase with my camera, so I love finding great photographers like yourself. I look forward to seeing more!

  3. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous! Visiting from MM!

  4. So lovely. The right lighting really does make all the difference. I for one am also glad that you stopped what you were doing to take these gorgeous photos.

  5. Lovely backlit photos of the sedum. Blessings, Jen

  6. Me too! Those photos are so crisp and clear and beautiful.

  7. Lovely images! Beautiful light and depth.

  8. Shirley, the tones in these are absolutely gorgeous. For some reason, they make me think of a warm autumn day.

    The freezing rain has begun here this evening, and tomorrow promises to be a pretty nasty day. :-(

  9. Isn't is fascinating how dried old stalks can reflect the sun. I'm glad you captured them - beautiful.

  10. I love the warm natural colors and lighting, beautiful images! Have a great week ahead, Shirley!

  11. beautiful, beautiful images {and light!}.

    my first time here, stopping by from the simple things....

    would love for you to join our 1440 linky party on fridays!

    patty @

  12. Beautiful photos Shirley! Thank you for linking up with the simple things this week. :)
