Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Random Photos

Just some photos I have taken over the last month that I never featured on the blog.

Taking Flight
Taking Flight
This was one of those point the camera at the flock of birds that just took flight and hope for the best. I was lucky that the auto-focus found a bird to grab on to. I was using a 105mm macro lens that doesn't always focus fast on moving objects.

It's still not perfect because as I cropped it tighter, I noticed the depth of field rendered the background windmill out of focus. My aperture was set to f3.5, and with a full frame camera, that was too low. Oh well - I'm still amazed how much detail I still got and I am always fascinated by how flocks of birds take to the sky together.
Ebb and Flow

Now for some fun photos - from a Dodgeball outing my friend Jill arranged during Christmas break. Picture 15 or so kids, ages 5 to 16 playing dodgeball. Add in Jill's husband, Buck, who is really serious about his dodgeball. This is what you get (Buck is in the blue).
The Little Guys Getting Pummeled
Jill has title the above "Proud Wife Moment".

Ensuing Chaos
And everyone playing had to sign a waiver before playing.... but really, no one was hurt....

Shared with Wordful Wednesday, as I guess I had a lot to say today....

Shared with Deb Duty and her last edition of This or That Thursday.


  1. Dodgeball -- what a crazy game (but I loved playing it!)

    Great capture of the windmill and birds on the fly so to speak. :)

  2. Great 'flock of birds' shot! I've had the same issues with focus trying to capture a flock of geese taking off from the local pond. Have not been satisfied yet but I believe my problem is that I'm just too close. My compositions have been terrible. And just caught the horse photos...honestly can't decide which one I like more but my eye gravitated to the before shot...go figure! Excellent stuff!!!

  3. These are wonderful, Shirley, especially "Taking Flight."
    Happy day to you!

  4. really nice capture of the birds...never liked dodgeball as a hurt!!

  5. Those bird shots are so lovely. <3
