Friday, January 18, 2013

Indulgences | Tulips

Please pardon me as I indulge with more tulip photos. The wonderful winter sun shone bright all day long and I found myself at home earlier than normal. I moved the bouquet into the dining room where the afternoon light streams in.


Pop of Red

Louie wandered in, curious as always.
On the Table

Checking Out the Flowers

Sniffing the Tulips?
I couldn't shoo him off - he was so interested in the flowers. No, he didn't try to eat them... just a sniff here and there.

For these next two shots, I placed the bouquet on the floor, with the white flowers in the sun. I spot metered the white of the blooms, resulting in the dark background. In the past, I've placed a black shirt on the floor when trying to get this sort of effect, but I've learned with brightly lit subjects, this isn't needed as long as I spot meter.
Take a Peek


I leave you with two final images from today's tulip shoot. Have a great Friday!

Bright Bouquet


  1. Love the images with Louie -- beautiful cat and blooms. :)

  2. A lovely way to begin my morning!

  3. Amazing photos!! I hope you'll use the tulip photos as one of your calendar downloads.
