Monday, January 21, 2013

Hello Monday | 03

My Computer Buddy
Louie Keeps Me Company at the Computer

hello louie | Each evening, as I sit at the Dining room table to upload and edit photos, Louie jumps on the table and watches me at my computer. He started to lying down (or is it laying down?), so we set up his little basket so he could be more comfortable. He's my PC buddy!

hello tea, pseudo-ephedrine and antihistamines | yeah, I've got a head cold. Hoping to get this fog cleared up soon!

hello bible study | This actually started last week, but I forgot about it! I'm participating in an online study, headed up by my friend, Sherry. We are studying the book of Luke.

hello book club | This month's session is at my house. I am expected to serve my Rum Cake (or else there will be an uprising!). Can't wait to see everyone - and I am determined to be rid of my head cold by Friday.

hello song pop | I am not a "gamer" - I don't even play Angry Birds anymore. But I love this Song Pop game where you guess the song or artist of the song snippet. I "compete" against my friends on Facebook. It's fun and doesn't take a lot of time.

hello monday | looking forward to what the week has in store for us.

Inspired by my friend, Lee at Embrace Life, Hello Monday provides a peek into the coming week - in all its glory. Join us and Lisa for the Hello Monday fun


  1. Cats are wonderful little "buddies". And Louie is beautiful. ;) And Song Pop is addictive, isn't it? My little brother got me hooked on it and we are constantly trying to best each other. HA! I still stink at it, but it's nice to know I can still take him down on the 80's rock category. Too much fun! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. My "buddy" Maggie is a bit of a pesterer. She's around 15 years old, so i cut her some slack most of the time.

    Lovely image Shirley. Sounds like a busy week for you. Get better soon. :)

  3. Great photo of Louie. Not much of a gamer but song pop sounds fun. Will have to give it a try. Happy Monday. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. My Simone loves to keep me company at the dining room table when I'm on my laptop. She's really not allowed on the table, but I gave up trying to keep her off. Your Louis is just a gorgeous boy!!
