Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Just a few glimpses into our Christmas this year.

The kid-decorated gingerbread house. Each kid gets half the house to decorate. There was a mis-understanding this year - each kid thought I was making them their own house! Next year, I'm just going to purchase two kits - it will be much easier for me...

The front:
Decorated by

The "party backyard", complete with pond for the penguin and campfire for the gingerbread men.
Decorated by

We bought gifts for the cats and I could not resist this plaid outfit, even if it was designed for a dog. Louie endured 15 minutes of humiliation while we cooed and declared how cute he looked in it.
How Much Longer Must I Wear This?

See, it even comes with a hood...
What Did I Do to Warrant Such Humiliation? #siamese

The kids stayed up late, trying to guess what was in each package. There were a lot of guesses for "shoes". That's because we used old shoe boxes to house the gifts!
The Kids Are Wound Up, Trying to Guess What's in Each Package #wishtheywouldgotosleep #merrychristmas #tree

Needless to say, we had a great Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  1. Hehe - too cute outfit!My cat would kill me in my sleep if I ever tried that! :-D

    Glad you´ve had a cosy time, soon it will be 2013! :-)

  2. The kits are brilliant, save so much hassle. Love the cat outfit.
