Monday, December 31, 2012

It's Blurb Book For 2012

Sorry I've been MIA all week long from the blog - I took the week between Christmas and New Year's off from work - something I've never done - and that's what happened - a total ignoring of the blog.

But I've been busy..... I decided to get my 2012 photos (at least 1200 of them) into a Blurb Book. I couldn't fit the entire year into a 240 page book (the limit for their premium papers), so I split things into two books. Book One ended up being 150 pages, and Book Two, 138 pages.

I've created Blurb books before - for special travel events (my Italy book can be accessed via the badge on the sidebar) and they have always taken "forever" for me to create. This time, I got myself into a month by month "groove" and just worked at it until it was done. I also didn't spend much time on the photo descriptions, as that can take a long time. It was important for me to get the photos printed into a physical book.

Here is the preview to Book 1:
My resolution for 2013 - work on the 2013 edition month by month. Now that I have a "system", it should be easier, right? If you have ever considered creating a photo book, I always recommend Blurb - their quality is top notch, the books are gorgeous and their prices are very competitive. As always, I'll share photos of the physical books when they arrive in mid January.


  1. I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog so I could find you again. I've enjoyed catching up and ended here for now, totally jealous that you have done this. I started a blog book several times and was completely overwhelmed by the task...especially when I had this great coupon that was expiring. So now I will start again and use another coupon at another time. I find the most difficult part yo be bringing text into the book. This book of yours is an inspiration!

  2. I think your book looks beautiful, Shirley. I also make 2 books per year. Just seems to fit for the number of photos that I want to include. They are great winter projects. And I have yet to do mine. :)
