Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What We're Up to Nowadays

I am officially the mom of two teenagers. Heaven help me and grant me patience!

Both Teens Now

The boy has finished baseball and cross country season.
Against the Wind

Band and Jazz band are gearing up.
In the Seventh Grade Band Now

The girl won't let me take photos of her anymore, unless I'm in stealth mode.

Oh, here's one right after she cut off 9" of her hair to donate to Locks of Love.
Short and Cute
That was back in July, but I have to give equal time to my kids. Otherwise they start to accuse you of favoritism....

Proof that she had all that hair cut off:
192/365+1 The Cut - For Locks of Love

Note to self - take more photos of the girl!


  1. Oh my, two teens..! I can´t even imagine - though I eventually have to of course, haha! :-D

  2. I know of other young ladies cutting their hair and donating it. I think it's such a wonderful thing to do. Yes, take more photos of her, she is lovely.

  3. Love the haircut! The band concert was fun too. Great shots, as always!

  4. I'm almost there - 2 teenagers - will be interesting! I'm almost the opposite of you, but the same... need to take more pics of the boy -- we have girl: horse riding/showing & band, boy: soccer & scouts (I miss a lot of scout activities because of the girl activites). Great shots!!

  5. Good looking kids, Shirley. You'll survive. :)

  6. I loved having teenagers! I may be crazy, but that was my favorite time with my three.

  7. Your teenagers are beautiful! Great shots of them!
