Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Milestone

Ten years ago, we moved from Indiana to Illinois. It was a move we never saw coming, but ten years later, we can't imagine being anywhere else.

Funny how things tend to work out.

Ten years ago, we were housed in an apartment on Halloween, but had placed an offer on our current house. We opted to trick or treat in our soon-to-be neighborhood, meeting our soon-to-be neighbors, many of which are now our best friends. I love how that happens.

Our daughter dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. It was cold and we had to force her to wear a sweat shirt under the sheer top - to this day, I remember the drama and struggle that ensued, but as we trick-or-treated, she soon forgot about it all. Our son was a cute Scooby Doo and he claimed "Err-ta pulled my tail" all night long.

See, I even have proof of that night's adventure....
Halloween 2002

Ten years later, the kids no longer trick or treat, opting instead to head out to haunted houses with their friends. Scott and I, along with the cats, will answer the door and comment how cute the little kids are in their costumes. Maybe we'll have leftover candy to enjoy (hopefully not too much!).

I wish you a safe Halloween, full of memories.

Edited to add - and make sure you take photos of your little ones in costume. Because 10 years from now, you'll want to look back on them....


  1. Lovely memories! It´s 11 years since we made the move from the north of Sweden to the south, Sweden is a loooong country so life is very different between the two. I still can´t imagine moving back (even though our relatives try to convince us). :-)

  2. This is the first year for my kids not to dress up & trick or treat - the daughter will be at the barn riding (because nothing messes with her lesson schedule), and the boy has decided to hand out candy & hide behind trees to scare others. Kind of bittersweet.
