Sunday, September 16, 2012

Random September Thoughts - Instagram Style

I have to say that September is my favorite month. Days are cooler. School has started, full of fresh starts. The light starts to change and the air smells crisp. And of course, there's that football thing.....

These last two weeks have been filled with perfect September days.

Another Cottonball Cloud Day #sky #clouds #prairie

Grazing in the Distance #horse

Vanishing #field_aliens #prairie #perfectfallday

My hubby and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary last week:
20th Anniversary Dinner

A friend of mine put the idea of S'mores in my head last week and I started craving them! So this is what I did:
Before, During and After

The only issue with September? It's so busy! I guess we'll take it all.

Linked to Mosaic Monday.


  1. Yes, my dear, and thank you for putting s'mores in my head. Ha! Cute mosaic. Enjoy these remaining September days.

  2. Lovely pics - and I don´t blame you for the s´mores..! :-)

  3. Happy Anniversary! The horses are pretty and beautiful landscapes. The food looks yummy and the smores are delicious. Lovely photos, have a great week!

  4. happy Anniversary! As you look towards Autumn and are welcoming spring! S'mores? I have never heard of them! But I see there is marshmallows and chocolate involved, so I must look it up!
    Have a wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Oh, I so wish September was 60 days long instead of 30. And I am thinking of hot chocolate with whipped cream on these cool night like you were thinking about those S'Mores! Happy September to you!

  6. Congratulations on your 20th! That's so nice. We are celebrating our 5th in just a few days, although we have been together 15. We were quick to move in together and slow to marry I guess you could say.
