Sunday, September 9, 2012

Getting Muddy at The 2012 CarX CrazyK

Yesterday, Scott and our son ran in the CarX CrazyK, aka the most fun you can have while running a 5K race. Like last year's race, they ran with a gaggle of our friends. Unlike last year, I chose not to run due to my knee and my-not-so-recent-ACL-surgery-but-not-far-out-enough-that-I'm-afraid-I-might-slip-and-re-injure-my-knee-situation. Because slipping and sliding in mud was going to be a high probability.

This year, the race organizers amped up the course and doubled the number of obstacles - that would be 20 muddy, watery, get on your hands and knees obstacles. Some of the new stuff - wading through a 75 yard stretch in the creek, two additional military crawl areas and a huge slide (which was deemed to be quite fun).

Instead of running the race, I participated by taking photos as my friends and family came through the Car Wash and slogged through the mud pit. I also provided "encouragement" by barking orders as they ran the last 50 yards to the finish line ("Kick it in!!", "Faster, Faster!!", "You got this!").

It was a perfect day for a nice run. Prior to the start of our team's wave, everyone looks so happy and clean....

The team makes "the walk" to the starting area:
Enter the Arena
Oh Yeah, our Team's Theme was "Team Bacon". That's what's up with the bacon themed t-shirts (you would have never guessed there were so many bacon themed t-shirts available on the Internet, right?).

We didn't wear tu-tu's like the team behind us.....
Tutu Team

The team is getting their final race instructions by the starting line crew:
Team Bacon Lines Up

And our wave takes off!
Starting Horn Blows

About 20 minutes later, Buck is the first one to appear from a muddy tunnel:
Out of the Tunnels

Followed by my son:
True Grit

And hubby:

The last obstacle is the Mud Pit. The easiest way to get through this is to submerge yourself!
Getting Muddy

They wanted to have fun and get muddy - Mission Accomplished!

Linked to Mosaic Monday.


  1. Wow, looks like everyone had a great time!!!

  2. If the goal was to get muddy, I can see that they were successful. You're smart to man the camera this year and take it easy on your knee. Great photos of a fun day!

  3. That seems like a LOT of fun, how my rascals would have loved that! I´d definately have a tu-tu though... A pink one..! :-D

  4. What a riot! But, I'm with you, I will photograph...thank you very much! Really enjoyed your shots!
