Saturday, July 28, 2012

With Family - July's Self Portraits

In July, I found myself taking my self portraits with the various animals in our lives. After all, they are part of the family and what better way to capture them.

With Caesar, our Appoloosa:
Getting a Nose Rub

I Don't Think Caesar Cares Who Texted Erica

With Louie, our new Siamese:
Morning Snuggle
Chin Scratch

Me and the kids:
Family Night at the Sonic #squaready
184/365+1 Watching Fireworks on the Top of the Tahoe

And in keeping with this month's optional theme that Christy, aka Urban Muser challenged us with - Reflection:
Side Plank
If you are interested, I am doing a side plank here, something new I've learned in the Pilates / Yoga class I've been taking.

You can check out the other great reflection photos from other participants of {in the picture} at the group's flickr pool. If you feel inspired, please join us!


  1. Looking strong on that side plank. That's a hard pose!

  2. Looking good on that side plank exercise and I like the reflection in the mirror! Which reminds me to step up on exercise! LOL!
    Have a great day! Sandra

  3. Hi Shirley,
    Last summer my friend's lab died of cancer...she didn't think the end would come so soon. A few weeks later she called me to see if I had a picture of her with her pup. Sadly, I didn't. 14 years of companionship with not one picture. I'm camera shy, but that summer I took photos with my dogs. So glad I did, 6 months later we lost our dog to glad I have a photo with my sweet companion.

  4. Hey Shirley. That side plank looks tough! You go girl. Love that shot with the cat, and yes our animals fill our lives and hearts, but I imagine those kiddos have a pretty big spot as well. Happy day to you.

  5. Animals adds so much in these pics - I can feel the love and you look so cute! :-)

  6. How do your kids like being photographed and then posted on your blog? Nice side plank too.

  7. Visiting from {in the picture}. Your reflection shot is great, and I like your self-portraits with family, too.

  8. These are so great! I love the first one with you and Louie. Thanks for linking up at {In The Picture} this month :)
