Wednesday, June 6, 2012

P365+1 Week 22 - I'm Slipping, Must Be My Age

I've been struggling a bit to get my daily photo taken and this week, I'm blaming it on my new age, having surpassed 45. My husband says "we can round up to 50 now" (he's 9 days older than me and often reminds me of this fact).

I officially turned 45 and enjoyed the day by doing the things I love to do - I worked out (bike, run and swim), played violin in a recital without being overly nervous, and enjoyed a nice dinner out with the family.
146/365+1 Recital Time #music #uiuc
Oh yeah, my favorite red velvet cake.
146.5 / 365+1 Birthday Cake #sweet #cake #redvelvet

Monday was Memorial Day - a day to reflect and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep our Nation safe. We enjoyed lunch at a local BBQ place.
148/365+1 Saddle Up to the Bar #restaurant #linedup

Tuesday - not really a photo, but a screen shot off my phone.
149/365+1 Play Me Over and Over #music @bareilles
Sara Bareilles released a EP last week and this song is so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. I spent some time this evening attempting play it on the keyboard.

Wednesday - visit to the stable, where my daughter was kicking up lots of dust in the riding arena. The effect on the sunlight caught my eye.
150/365+1 Headlights? #barn #door

Thursday - Another iPhone screen shot because I didn't take a real photo. I'm trying to increase my mileage, but realize it will be a long time before I can run as effortlessly as I used to. But I'm happy to back to running.
151/365+1 Back to Business

Friday - Dinner out with friends at the local sushi place. We were celebrating three May birthdays - mine, Scott's and Dan's (who hit the big 4-0 milestone). The food was great and the company even better.
152/365+1 Sushi Time #food


  1. Happy birthday to you - and it sounds like it was a great one! :-)

  2. Happy birthday! 45 is not old, your still in your prime.

  3. Happy birthday! I had a birthday this week... 55 and still alive!!!!

  4. Then I too must be getting old since we're the same age now...I love the capture of you life this week. The red velvet cake looks like the bomb! Keep that spark alive in your heart for Sam. I'm sure he'll show up...
