Friday, June 1, 2012

It's Friday

I realized I haven't participated in the Friday Fill In Meme for a long, long time. I figure this is a good way to start off a new month. My responses in BOLD

1. Hallelujah! It's the weekend!
2. Right Here Right Now is where I wanna be!
3. When I was walking the dog this morning, I saw a handful of goose feathers in the road and I thought Wait, I don't own a dog, This is not my beautiful house, Where does this highway lead to, And I ask myself, am I right, am I wrong? And I say to myself "my God, what have I done" (Name that song).
4. My Orthopod discharged me from his care yesterday and that's how I knew it was time to discuss tapering off my PT sessions.
5. What were once vices are probably still vices, but I recognize them as such and try to keep things at bay.
6. Coffee, Greek yogurt and granola is what I've been having for breakfast lately.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the baseball game followed by dinner out with friends, tomorrow my plans include working out, taking the girl to horse riding lessons and Sunday, I want to relax, as always!

I also want to provide a weekly account of my work out activities, as I am starting to ramp up my running and need to track things. Yesterday I was officially discharged from my Orthopedic doctor, so I don't have to go back unless I have a specific issue.

Summary of activities since Friday, May 25, 2012:
Friday: PT session - bike, hurdles, squats, sprint starts, side to side plyometrics on the bocu ball, soccer kicks.
Saturday: 6 minutes on the bike, 1.4 mile run, 36 laps in the pool (1 mile)
Sunday: Rest
Monday: 2.3 mile run
Tuesday: 6 minutes on the bike, 36 laps in the pool
Wednesday: 2.5 mile run, PT session that included exercises similar to the above
Thursday: 6 minutes on the bike, 30 laps in the pool (I felt tired). I returned to the YMCA in the evening with a friend and did a 1 hour dance aerobics class (hilarious).

This week's photo - my running log in Run Keeper. It's been a long 4.5 months away.
Back to Business

Anyone get the song reference in #3 above?


  1. Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime.
    Same as it ever was.

  2. You've been doing some great exercise! :-)

  3. Congratulations on being back to running!
