Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Clubhouse

This is how I imagine golf in a previous time - vintage, with wooden clubs. I think they call that "old school".

Grand View

I started with an image that had been converted to a cream tinged monochromatic and layered on Kim Klassen's Stay and Pourvous textures. The two layers added more vintage-y goodness.

Do you play golf? I used to, in a time I call "before children". I think I used wooden clubs, too.....

Linked to Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday.


  1. Nope, have no clue of how to play..! :-D The pic is lovely! :-)

  2. I don't play, but boy can I relate to the "before children" time. However with my children I am being exposed to activities I would have never dreamed of.

  3. The architectural lines and landscaping curves are cohesively appealing. Great processing for the vintage look.

  4. i've never once played golf. i have this preconceived notion that i would be no good at it. =)

    but i LOVE your image. for some reason, it also reminds me of "old school" horse race grounds, too... like those wonderful derbies you see in the old movies and musicals. you gave this image the perfect treatment. very inviting!

  5. Lovely picture!! Great edits.
