Sunday, April 8, 2012

Settling In

It's been a week since we moved the horses to the new stable and after several visits, the horses seem to be settled in.

Monday evening, Erica walked Caesar around the various arenas.

Taking A Tour

Outdoor Arena

He didn't like the indoor arena, so we'll need to take him there another time.

The weather was beautiful and we were there in time for the sunset.

This is Cinch, the resident dog.
Something Caught His Attention

We haven't learned the names of all the cats on site. There are at least four of them. I called this guy "Kamakazi Cat" because he got in the arena with Caesar and then climbed to the top of the fence.
Kamakazi Cat

By Friday afternoon, Erica was riding Caesar outside.
Back in the Saddle #horse #farm #Appaloosa

We drove out again this afternoon - it was another perfect spring day. This time, Erica rode him in the big outdoor arena.

Go Caesar Go!

Erica took Caesar back to the indoor arena - apparently he was comfortable there - he decided to roll in the dirt there.

I think we're all settled in.


  1. Love seeing the joy of a girl and her horse!

  2. She looks like she's settling in beautifully. What a beautiful horse!
