Saturday, April 7, 2012

P365+1 Week 14 - Soccer and Horses

I didn't mean to, but I took a lot of soccer and horse photos this week.

Saturday - Home soccer game and it was our turn to work the concession stand. You can watch the game even while on duty.
90/365+1 Working the Concession Stand

Scott and I also attended a co-worker's wedding that evening and we had a very nice time. Erica attended the Switch Up dance with friends. So it was another busy Saturday.

Sunday - We moved Caesar and Cody to a new stable. This is just before we loaded them up into the trailer.
91/365+1 Moving Day #horses #squaready
I posted more photos at this blog post.

Monday - After soccer practice and a quick dinner, Erica and I headed out to the new stable. She wanted to make sure Caesar was doing OK. She walked him around the grounds and all the riding arena areas. This is necessary before riding to ensure the horse is comfortable with all the new sights and smells.
92/365+1 Checking Out the Outdoor Arena #horses

92.5/365+1 Monday Eve at West wind

Tuesday - I had some extra time before my violin lesson and drove to a nearby forest preserve. These umbrella like ground covers are called may apples.
93/365+1 Umbrellas #green #forest #squaready
What else happened on Tuesday? I had PT and the kids both had soccer and baseball practices.

Wednesday - I'm wearing some new shoes.
94/365+1 New Shoes
With my knee injury, I can't wear my preferred 2-3" heels (I'm short, so I like a bit of heel). I'm tired of wearing my slip on clogs that look like slippers, so I purchased some "sensible shoes with good arch support" (this is another sign that I'm getting old). Even though they are more "sensible" than "edgy", I think they go well with the new work trousers I purchased. Yes, they are comfy too.

Thursday - Another Soccer picture - the home team shows their appreciation:
95/365+1 End of Game Appreciation #soccer
At the end of each game, after the teams have congratulated each other with the "good game" line up ritual, the girls cross over the field to greet the spectators. This allows the spectators to voice their encouragement and allows the team to acknowledge the fans in the stands who are cheering them on. I think it's a nice end of game ritual.

Friday - It's Good Friday and we have the day off. I went to PT in the morning, then hit the Asian and Meat markets in preparation for Easter dinner. We ate lunch at KoFusion, a local sushi restaurant, and enjoyed their wonderful lunch buffet. Later in the afternoon, Erica and I went to see Caesar. This time, Erica rode him.
96/365+1 Around the Bend
Can't you tell it was a great day? The weather has been perfect, although we do need some rain.

And another week has passed. I hope yours was as nice as ours was.


  1. How nice to have that weather for all the activities. I hope you like the new barn and start to feel at home there. Each barn can have its own personality and while some feel right, others don't.
    I like the shoes but I am tall and always seek comfort for my feet.

  2. Hi Shirley...I've enjoyed your pictures. You've reminded me two things I need to do: check on my may apples in my backyard to see if they've started to bloom and to start carrying my DSLR with me. While my iPhone is nice, it's not the same as taking a shot with the big camera. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  3. What a wonderful week you had! My feet have been 'in your shoes' for some time now but I miss my heels. The days when I wear them are few and far between. Happy Easter!
