Wednesday, April 4, 2012

P365+1 Week 13 - Start of Craziness

Last week's spring break marked the end of calm days and evenings. We've added two sports to the list of current activities - soccer and baseball which means running around, trying to manage the double booked evenings.

Last Saturday, after the all morning soccer tournament, Scott and I attended a local Cirque du Soleil show, Quidam. As expected, it was amazing.
83/365+1 Amazing Acrobatics #cirquedusoleil #quidam

Sunday was just as busy - church, then I took Erica to see Caesar. Then we immediately met a group of friends for the much anticipated viewing of the Hunger Games.
84/365+1 The Hunger Games
Yes, it was as good as we expected, although not as good as the book. After the movie, we all went out for dinner to catch up on our friends' spring break cruise to the Caribbean.

Monday and it's back to school for the kids. I forgot to take a photo. These things happen.

Tuesday was crazy. I took the boys to jazz band, the girl to school and I went to PT, then work, then violin lessons and then to Erica's soccer game.
86/365+1 Home Game #soccer
I could only stay until the half because I had to take the boy to baseball practice, then go grocery shopping, then pick up the boy from baseball. Finally, I had to pick up Erica after the varsity game and take her to dinner. Phew!

Wednesday - With the hot weather, the lawn needs to be mowed. Brian is fully trained and he finished about half before it got too dark.
87/365+1 It's that Time of Year

Thursday - another double booked day of soccer and baseball, although I didn't even try to get to Erica's away game.
88/365+1 Baseball Practice

Finally, Friday arrived - I had another PT session in the morning and in the evening attended our ladies book club meeting. It's so great to see my friends in this setting. We pooled together money together for the Mega Millions Lotto, but we didn't win. Oh well, we still had a great time and discussion
89/365+1 Book Club Discussion - Unbroken

Extra note:
What I'm currently doing in PT, 7 weeks post surgery:
Heat wrap on knee
Warm up with 7lb ankle weights:
30 bent leg lifts, 30 leg pushes, 30 hanging leg extensions, hamstring lifts and hamstring stretches
7 minutes on the regular bike, seat is low. I'm no longer using the recumbent bike
30 Back extensions, weight at 30-40 lbs. Apparently I always make a face when I first start this exercise [because I hate it!].
30 Donkey kicks / hamstring pushes at 45 lbs
30 hamstring curls at 40 lbs. This is getting easier.
New exercise on the leg extension machine - lift with both legs, release the right, holding with the left. Bring right leg back up and bring both down. Because this machine can cause stress on the kneecap, the weight is really light at 15 lbs.
30 squats at 40 lbs.
Balance exercises while moving weighted balls - 3 set of 15 touches
Left Leg extensions on the Biodex machine, which is a computerized, iso-kinetic machine used to gain muscle strength. I'm run through a series of leg extensions at various resistances.
8 Minutes on the elliptical machine
Finished back on the table with Straight leg extensions, then ice.
I'm also spending three mornings per week at the Y - I'm up to 30 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the bike. I'm thinking about adding in some swimming now. I haven't worked up the gumption to start light running, but I might just do that next week.

Linked to Wordful Wednesday. Certainly fits today's long post.....


  1. Your daily activities tire me out!! I'm so glad your knee is getting stronger because clearly you need it with all that running and driving around:-)

  2. What a very full week you've had!! We also finally saw the Hunger Games and I agree that it wasn't as good as the book. My husband, who has not read any of the books, was not impressed. Ha! Oh, well. My girls went nuts for it, so that was fun. =)

  3. It's been awhile since I stopped by...glad you are healing from your surgery. I forgot you had horses...(I didn't win the lottery either, maybe one ticket wasn't enough to buy? I would have bought a horse) Anyway, your photos are beautiful. There is a horse farm at the end of our road with 16 boarded horses...I just love to see them when I go by. Haven't you loved this early spring?
