Sunday, April 8, 2012

My Instagram Themes

Inspired by Mary at Little Red House, I decided to pull together some recent Instagram photos not associated with my P365+1 collection for her Mosaic Monday meme.

I always have my iPhone with me and handy. I can start the native camera app without looking, very useful when taking photos at the spur of the moment. And that's what I normally do - I see something and snap the photo. Then I go into the Instagram app - sometimes I'll add a filter, sometimes I don't. If I really want to get fancy, I'll take a photo, edit it in Photogene2 or CameraAwesom, then go into Instagram.

When I'm not taking photos for my P365+1 project, I tend to take photos of skies:
Instagram Skies

I also like taking photos filled with color:
Instagram Colors
1. Home Pedicure Choices. Care to Guess Which Color I Chose? #nailpolish #colors, 2. Colors of February #rose #red #white, 3. Seeing Red, 4. A #Holga to Match Every Outfit #lux

Or places around town:
Instagram Around Town
1. Illuminations #tree #night, 2. Feeling Academic #eiu #college #iphone4s #cameraawesome #photogene2, 3. Still Life #reflection #mirror #orchid, 4. Blowing In The Wind #grass #prairie

So, if you like mobile photography, what sort of themes do you see emerging in your photography?


  1. Great photos. I especially like the last one, with the grasses against the sky.

  2. I like these pics! Hm, I think I take a lot of nature pics with my iPhone since that´s usually when I suddenly realize that I NEED to take a pic but doesn´t have my big, heavy camera with me. :-)

  3. Fun photos. It pays to have a camera with you at all times!

  4. Great photos. The skies come out really well.

    I have a similar kind of workflow to you. I just take the photo with minimum fuss, apply a filter later, maybe polish a really special photo with another mobile app or a desktop photo editor.

    "So, if you like mobile photography, what sort of themes do you see emerging in your photography?"

    I end up going for the details. Big landscapes and shots of big buildings do not work so well. So I concentrate on the flower before the landscape or the gargoyle on the building.

  5. You were my inspiration for my instagram posts Shirley!
