Sunday, April 1, 2012

Moving Day for the Horses

After months of serious consideration, we moved the horses to a new stable. Things came to a head at the current stable after one of the other horses suffered an injury to her hoof after stepping on a nail in the stable walkway. Long story short, we conferred with our friends who own Cody, and we decided to move both Caesar and Cody to Westwind Stables, about 5 miles further away.

I'm not too thrilled with the additional 5 miles, but think the facility is very nice and good for the horses.

Cody, Caesar and the girls this morning, as they let the horses graze a bit before loading them into the trailer.
Sunday Morning
Caesar has a new halter and lead rope just for the occasion.

Leading Cody to the trailer.
Ready to Load into the Trailer?

I don't have any other photos of the scuffle that ensued while the group attempted to load Cody into the trailer. We had Meg, the girls' riding teacher and Joan, another experienced horsewoman, helping and it was still a struggle. Cody is a bit of a nervous horse, so he reared his head, bucked and was simply ornery. I chose not to take photos since he has an aversion to cameras and I didn't want to agitate him further.

After several failed attempts, the team managed to get Caesar in the double trailer first. Then, with his friend loaded, Cody was a little more willing, but it took a big wad of hay to finally get him into the second bay. Everyone took off for the new stable except for me, as I was waiting for Scott to get back from a trip to the gas station.

I waited and waited. It turns out that Scott locked the keys in the truck while he went in the gas station - he called a towing service who managed to unlock the truck.

We finally arrived at the new stable to find Cody and Caesar settling into their new digs:
Peaking Through

New Digs

A successful moving day.


  1. Wodnerful memories and photos. They are beautiful The girls and the horses. We used to braid the tails right up on our belgian horses before each show or what was left of the tail . We did dock them for show and sale.
    Anyways Happy April.
    Loved your blog as always

  2. Wonderful photos! I know nothing about horses but I know I could not have taken any photos...I would have been too nervous.
