Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Almost Forgotten

I took these photos, oh, probably two weeks ago, and somehow, between the normal craziness of life, so many soccer and iPhone photos, they got buried in my photostream. Makes me realize that I should go back through my photostream every now and then to see what gems I had forgotten about.

Pink Flame
I love cherry blossoms in the spring.

Pink Dogwood
This photo reminds me of our previous house in Indiana - we had a wonderful pink dogwood nestled in the front of the house, flanked by rhododendrons and azaleas. Back then, I actually took time to garden and planted several hundred tulip bulbs every fall. The spring show was amazing.

Amazing how a simple picture conjures up a memory. I guess that's why I take pictures. So I don't forget.


  1. These are so pretty! Glad you found them. The same thing happened with my pear blossom shots this year.

  2. Lovely dogwood blossoms! The second photo was taken in gorgeous light!

  3. There is a grouping of dogwoods just over our fence in the woods behind our property. Wish we could move the fence and call them ours. LOL

  4. These are beautiful. I'm so glad you remembered!

  5. beautiful shots! i always forget about certain images and they linger in my photostream for far too long!

  6. Your pink dogwoods are wonderful. Ours were lackluster this year. :( Have a good rest of the week.
