Sunday, March 18, 2012

P365+1 Week 11 - Is It Summer?

I know the calendar say mid March, but it feels like early summer as we wind into Spring Break Time.

Saturday - I went and picked up my marathon training T-shirt
69/365+1 Marathon Training Shirt

Sunday - a Beautiful afternoon with the Girl and her horse.
70/365+1 Girl and Her Horse

Monday - our area set a new high temperature record - 81 degF. We celebrated by going out for ice cream.
71/365+1 Feels Like Summer
And then we went to the Old Navy to buy the kids new shorts because they have outgrown last year's.

Tuesday - It's cool in the morning, resulting in some fog:
72/365+1 Foggy Start #morning #tree
That fog burned right off for another 80 degF day. I hope I don't have to turn on the A/C....

Wednesday, 3/14, which means it is Pi day!
73/365+1 Happy Pi Day #geeky
You know, 3.14 is Pi, the constant used to calculate all sorts of stats on circles. Math classes celebrate with pies (I'm sure they calculated out the diameter and area of the pies before eating them).

Thursday - Good weather means road work and in this case, tree trimming work - I spotted this crew on the way to physical therapy.
74/365+1 Overhead Work in #Chambana #silhouette   #tree #lux #sky #sun
The kids had a half day of school and officially commenced Spring Break. Many of our neighbors are going away, but this year, we are staying put. Probably a good thing given my knee situation. But who needs to go down South when we've got southern weather right here?
But a slight downside to the warm weather - swarming bugs! Little black gnats were everywhere and because I had the windows opened during the evening, they got inside the house (screens don't keep them out). This freaked out the kids, especially Erica. Normally on non-school nights, she stays up very late (at least midnight), but tonight she went to bed at 10pm because she couldn't stand the bugs on the computer or TV or anything illuminated. She's calling this the Plague of the gnats.

Friday - it's still 80 degrees outside, so Scott and Brian brought the grill out and I used it immediately.
75/365+1 First Grill of the Season
So it still feels like summer. And yes, the A/C is on.

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