Friday, March 9, 2012

P365+1 Week 10 - Winter into Spring

It's Saturday night and couples night out to celebrate Buck's birthday.
62/365+1 Out for Dinner With Friends
I noticed that even though we arrived as couples, within 15 minutes, the group diverged into the wives and the husbands. My comment to my girlfriends - starting in elementary school, it was the girls group and the boys group. Enter adolescence / early adulthood and the girls and boys start to mix, eventually pairing off into couples. Then what happens? The married couples revert back to elementary school - separating back into the girls group and the boys group.

Sunday - we took a tour of the newly opened YMCA. The facility is beautiful, spacious and airy. Tons of exercise equipment, running track, climbing wall, pool, gyms, group exercise rooms, teen and little kids room. We joined right on the spot. The photo below is the ceiling details in the pool area.
63/365+1 Seen Overhead #lux #normal #industrial

Monday - a surprise dusting of snow!
64/365+1 March Snow #lux #normal #olloclip #macro
But the bright sunshine melted it all away.

Tuesday - more bright sunshine.
65/365+1 Afternoon Fading Sun #profile #selfie #silhouette #flare
I love this time of year. In the morning, it's light outside starting around 5:45 (although this won't be the case next week with the start of daylight savings time). You can almost smell spring knocking.

Wednesday - I took advantage of the recumbent bikes at the Y and worked out my knee for over 20 minutes.
66/365+1 Working Out The Knee

Thursday - It was vet day at the Stable. Caesar received his spring vaccinations, had blood drawn for a Coggins test and his sheath cleaned. The vet had to sedate him slightly for the sheath cleaning, and he looked droopy after his shot.
67/365+1 - Sleepy Caesar

Friday - Scott and Brian head out to Indy for the Big 10 Men's NCAA tournament.
68/365+1 Heading out to Indy
Unfortunately, the Illini lost on Thursday, so they won't get to see the home team play, but they'll have fun with Dave and Alex G who will be rooting for Michigan State.

Extra note: On Thursday, I had my 7th physical therapy session in my ACL Reconstruction Rehab. I thought it would be interesting to note what my therapist had me do during my session, and this is what I recorded:
Heat wrap on knee
Warm up with 5lb ankle weights:
30 bent leg lifts, 30 leg pushes, 30 hanging leg extensions
6 minutes on the bike, seat position at 6 (I think). A lower seat position results in a deeper knee bend while pedaling.
20 Back extensions, weight was increased from last time and this was hard
30 Donkey kicks / hamstring pushes at 40 lbs
30 hamstring curls at 40 lbs. This is always a challenge.
30 squats at 40 lbs.
Balance exercises - 4 sets at 15 seconds/set
Hamstring lifts and hamstring stretches
Leg / step presses (new) on the stair master - 4 sets of 10
Finished back on the table with Straight leg extensions
Checked leg flexion, but I don't know the number - it just hurt when he bent my leg.
Iced down and I hobbled out... We'll see what weight increases and new exercises he adds next week....

Until next Friday, have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's quite funny how the couples all revert back to boys on one side girls on the other. :-)) Great observation.
