Sunday, March 4, 2012

P365+1 Catch Up - The Last Three Weeks Have Been A Blur

I've been diligent about taking my daily photo, just not diligent about blogging my weekly recaps, so today I'm covering the past three weeks, which really feel like a blur. I've compiled each week into a mosaic to keep the sheer number of photos down.

Week 7, February 11-17, aka the week of my knee surgery:

P365+1 Week 7 - Show Time
1. 42/365+1 Afternoon Visit to the Barn, 2. 43/365+1 Tulips I Couldn't Resist 3. 44/365+1 Band Concert, 4. 45/365+1 Happy Valentines Day!, 5. 46/365+1 Prepped for ACL surgery, 6. 47/365 Recuperating, 7. 48/365+1 Bedside Controls
Early in the week, there was my son's band concert, then Valentine's Day, followed by my surgery. The surgery itself went fine, but the day after was a little rough. The next day (Friday) I started physical therapy on my knee - there's no rest for the recovering patient! I barely remember anything from those first two days after surgery. Maybe that's a good thing....

Week 8, February 18-24, Recovery:

P365+1 Week 8 - Recovery
1. 49/365+1 Leg Lifts, 2. 50/365+1 - Late Night Snack, 3. 51/365+1 Stiff Peaks , 4. 52/365+1 Milestone - Driving, 5. 53/365+1 Morning Latte Syrup Choices, 6. 54/365+1 No More Staples, 7. 55/365+1 Look! No Crutches
A week of tremendous progress - I went from barely being able to get myself off the couch to being able to drive, going back to work and walking unassisted.

Week 9, February 24 - March 2, Moving Along:
P365+1 Week 8 - Move Along
1. 56/365+1 Crazy in the Kitchen, 2. 57/365+1 Green Onion pies, 3. 58/365+1 Morning PT, 4. 59/365+1 Goofy Girl and Cat, 5. 60/365+1 Leap Day!, 6. 61/365+1 I'm Not A Jewelry Person, but Couldn't Resist this Locket, 7. 62/365+1 I May As Well Have A Snack and Drink While I Wait
I spent the weekend cooking (that's what I do when I'm home bound), then resuming somewhat of a "new norm" of physical therapy, work and kids. High School soccer has started, which means new chauffeuring duties. I think I did more driving this week than I have all month long. It's OK - that means Spring is just around the corner and each day I'm closer to getting my knee back to where I can hit the pavement again.

Friday, I'll go back to my normal P365+1 posting. And since I've created all these mosaics, I'm linking to Mosaic Monday at Mary's. I hope you have a great week!


  1. Really interesting choices for your mosaic...what a mixture of pretty and well...on the mend.

  2. Busy few weeks for you, hope you are doing well. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Pretty flowers and good cooking!

  3. So glad to know that you have progressed so rapidly. You sound busier than ever before. Great pics of your progress and of the other things going on in your world.

  4. This was a great recap! My eye was immediately drawn to the tulips. And what is the onion pie? I bet it's delicious.

  5. A blur? I can't imagine why. ;) Here's to a full recovery! Love your shots. Especially the tulips!

  6. Wow looks like you are very busy. I like your collage!

    Crab Apple
