Thursday, March 29, 2012

Of the Prairie

I've always wanted to take a picture of that "lone tree in the middle of nowhere". If I had a photography "bucket list", it would be on it. It's hard to find such subjects, even along the flat prairie, but last Saturday, while driving east in unfamiliar territory, I spotted one.

We were headed to my daughter's soccer tournament, and on the way there, I only had access to my iPhone. I was better prepared on the return trip to capture my "Lone Tree".

All Alone

I guess it's not really alone - the county road runs by it.
Down the Road

Of course, we passed by several barns during our trip. This one caught my eye because of the flag mural on the side.
Bless The USA

So one "bucket list" item done, a thousand more to find.

Linked to This or That Thursday and Rural Thursday


  1. Love your lone tree in the middle of nowhere shot :-)

  2. i love those "lone trees" and that's a great mural!

  3. I'm always looking for those "lone" trees too. Hard to come by. Glad one found you :)

  4. Your three in the middle of nowhere is excellent! You could not have done it better! And the color of your shots are just wonderful ♥

  5. I love these. The tree shot is great I like the flag on the barn what a great find.

  6. lvoe the idea of a photo bucket list - and yes lone tree would be on mine too

  7. I love the idea of a bucket list. We have quite a number of lone trees out here, coastal oaks in the middle of pasture land or vineyard land. I like taking photos of them, but often wonder if people find them as interesting as I do. I'm now happy to know someone does:-)

  8. Ooh, such lovely pictures. Makes me want to walk around there for hours!!!

  9. Your part of the world is perfect for photos like these!

  10. WOW- what an incredible view & that grass is so amazingly green!

  11. hi shirley- those are stunning shots!
    i love the composition in those two photos from the top.

    great views, too.

    have a great day!

  12. Beautiful shots, love your lone tree.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Such a beautiful tree and gorgeous photos! I guess #1 on my list right now is a monarch. They don't seem to stay still very long.

  14. Simply wonderful rural shots, Shirley! So glad to see you in the link list! We seems to have lost contact somehow. I hate when that happens. :)

  15. Beautiful shots, Shirley! Love that landscape! I really like open country.

  16. Those are really cool shots with the city in the background. Glad you got your "lone tree". :)

  17. Gorgeous. You really live in a gorgeous place.
    Hope the game went well

  18. Great shots! Love the lone tree and the flag. I will have to come up with a bucket list too...great idea! :)
