Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just a Dusting of Snow

We have a "privacy" window in the master bath - the kind made out of blocks of glass, which lets in lots of light, but distorts the view in and out. Even though I can't see details outside, I can always tell if snow is on the ground, based on the amount of white that permeates through the marbled glass.

Needless to say, there hasn't been a lot of "white sightings" this winter.

But last night, as I awoke for the third time (seriously, I seem to wake every two hours these days - probably a side effect of my knee condition), I noticed a white sheen through the bathroom window. I didn't recall any snow being forecast, but I also know the window doesn't lie.

Sure enough, this morning, a light dusting of snow covered the lawn, blinding white in the morning sun. Wow, I knew it was going to be a great day.

Sorry, no pictures of the snow on the lawn. Instead, I got out my big camera and carefully crunched through the snow.
Just a Dusting Of Snow
Yeah, the sun was starting to melt all the snow - can you see some of the white stuff in the crevices?

Copper Beauty Oak Leaf Hydrangea from my neighbor's yard. See the white bokeh? That's snow. You need to trust me on that.

Finally, another hydrangea, this one with a texture for Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday. This week's challenge is to use her free Happy Heart Texture. I used it twice here - one layer in the Soft Light blending mode, the other in the Multiply blend mode, both layers at 40% opacity.
Hopeful for Spring
As much as I liked seeing the bright sun and snow this morning, I'll be just as happy to see the emergence of spring flowers.

Also linked to Tuesdays Around the World at Communal Global.


  1. I just love your photography skills!

  2. I don't know what it is about Hydrangeas, but they so often are the subject of such fabulous photos. I am glad you are getting around well enough to delight us with more of your beautiful creations.

  3. Beautiful collection of photos! I'm glad you got a chance to enjoy some snow!

  4. beautiful images and I'm impressed you tromped out in the snow for a photo! The last image of hydrangeas is gorgeous - the color, use of DOF and of course, Kim's texture - beautifully done!

  5. Beautiful images. I especially love the 3rd one...no snow to speak of at all around here this winter. It has been extraordinarily warm.

  6. These are wonderful photos! I'm favoring #1...probably because it's unique. And just spotted your 'faith' word post...excellent! Don't you just love getting up at all hours...I went through that for a while and was too the point of such confusion. This too shall pass. Hang in there!

  7. Beautiful photos! The snow can be nice to photograph, but like you, I can't wait for spring flowers!

  8. Beautiful shots! They really do make the snow seem magical. :)

  9. Since I usually prepare my posts in advance, I'm usually wrong at guessing which texture will be used, so I just do my own thing. The meme police will catch me someday.

    Love that you got out your big girl camera to take these beautiful photos, Shirley. The hydrangea is gorgeous. :)

  10. A beautiful blending of the seasons.

  11. It's in the high 60's today. I'm so happy!

  12. All are a beautiful capture of the season. I love the colors and tones.
