Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So Today's the Day

I started out writing "the Big Day" but I deleted "Big" from the title, because, in the grand scheme of things, it's really not that big.
I'm not getting married, giving birth, starting a new job or moving, and I consider those to be bigger.
And guess what, I've done all the above.

So not such a Big day, but not your every day run of the mill day, either.

I'll be heading into ACL reconstruction surgery around noon. The surgery will take between two to three hours and entail [skip this part if you don't want all the details]
Removing part of my patella tendon, which will be used as my reconstructed ACL
Drilling holes in my tibia and femur (which one is which, I can't remember - one is the top leg bone, the other is the bottom. Aren't you glad I explained that?)
Threading the previous patella tendon through the holes and attaching them to the bones with screws.

See, just keeping it to "reconstructing my ACL" sounds so much nicer, doesn't it?

I won't lie and say that I'm not nervous. I sort of am. But I know I have people praying for me and all that other stuff.
So, if you are so inclined, I do appreciate your prayers for me, the doctors and people involved with today's events.

Oh yeah, and since I won't be able to eat or drink until after the surgery is complete (that will be around 3pm!), please pray that I don't become so cranky that Scott wants to leave on the doorstep of the surgery center and drive off to eat a hamburger in peace. OK, he would never do that, but I could become cranky.

Thank you for listening.

And because I can't have a blog post without a picture, here's something totally unrelated to take your mind off all this knee / ligament / ACL stuff.
Crystalline #macro #olloclip #snowflake

Catch you later with my "bionic knee".


  1. Sending you the best thoughts for a relatively easy surgery and rehab. You will be out and about, enjoying Spring very very soon.

  2. Prayers with you for a success procedure and speedy recovery!

  3. Wishing you all the best. I'd be a teeny bit scared too.... just because it's surgery. I'm sure all will be good once this is behind you and your leg heals. Take care.

  4. Oh, Shirley. You definitely have my prayers. It sounds horrible, but I am sure you wouldn't be having it done if it weren't absolutely necessary. Prayers for the doctors and all involved as well. Keep us posted. =)

  5. Thinking of you today, Shirley.
