Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chicken Hawk

That's the cat's nickname these days.

Chicken Hawk

We recently learned that Sam the Siamese's previous owner had a habit of feeding him chicken nuggets from the table. I think the story was the youngest son was a bit of "loose eater" (our term, not theirs), so bits of chicken would fall to the floor and Sam ate them. We never made the connection until we left some chicken out and found Sam on the kitchen island, next to the plate, the veritable "kitty that ate the canary" look on his face.

OK, so now we do give him treats occasionally. But he has this sixth sense about chicken being prepared, pacing the kitchen, getting a bit underfoot. Forget about chicken nuggets / KFC (in the picture) - he knows as soon as you walk in the door. And the Chicken Hawk starts his stalking.

Hope you don't have a cat stalking you this Wednesday.

Linked to Wordful Wednesday


  1. We had a wonderful Siamese cat too and he was SO bold when it came to food...King of the Counter Top, that was him! Thank you for your comments about our dog, Buster. What a sweet member of our family.

  2. this is cute! my cat won't eat anything but her own food---she won't even eat tuna! weird cat.

  3. How adorably cute! I don't have a cat that does that, but the one we have in the house occasionally stalks me late at night, if I stay up to watch an episode of NCIS after the kids are in bed. It's kinda creepy. She'll start at the other end of the room and stalk me up until about two feet away, then she'll blink and she's fine. Like nothing ever happened. Cats are funny creatures. lol
