Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcoming In 2012

Wow, Happy New Years! Bye 2011, Hello 2012!

We managed to welcome in 2012 at our friends' house - we ate, drank and played games and managed to all stay up to usher in the New Year.

We played a very intense game of Mexican Train Dominos.
Game Board
I'll disclose that I finished dead last. I started the game out thinking I wouldn't have any issues - afterall, the last time I played, I won. Well, I underestimated the group I was playing with.

Buck - can you tell how intense he is?
Hard in Thought
Buck won the first 6 or 7 rounds.

Next to me, Leah and her dad, Dan:
Father and Daughter

My "hand":
I actually came close to winning this round, but I think I still lost and was left with too many points.

We took a little break in the action when Henry brought in one of his pet rats. Yes, I said rats. Apparently, they make good pets - they are very friendly and intelligent. More so than a hamster, but you have to get past the fact that they are rats. And the long tails are a little freaky.
Henry's Rat

Scott got up close and personal:

In the end, Dan, came from behind to win the game.

Then the kids went out side with noise makers, sparklers and silly string:
New Year's Eve

At midnight, we all toasted to the New Year!
I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Celebration!

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