Friday, January 6, 2012

P365+1 - Week One: Starts

So far, 2012's P365+1 has been pretty easy - 6 days down, 300 to go!

I really like using my iPhone for this project. It's so convenient to snap a capture, process it a little and upload it to my flickr and Instagram streams.

Day 1, Sunday Jan 1:
A windy afternoon visit to the stable. The strong wind was coming from the North, so you know it was a cold wind! I could barely keep from blowing over as I took this picture.
Longing Look #prairie #farm
Processed using Photogene2 - I think I used the bleach preset as a starting point. Then in Instagram, added the Early bird filter

Day 2, Monday Jan 2:
It was another COLD and windy day - like gusts up to 40 mph. I managed my first run of 2012 - 6 miles in the crazy weather. We received a dusting of snow - enough to cover the front porch. Even Sam, who loves to go outside didn't venture past the refuge of the front porch.
Tentative Steps #snow #cat #siamese #diptych #P365-2012
I lightened Sam's face using Photogene2 (yes, you can dodge and burn using the app), created the diptych using PicFrame and added the drop shadow using Photogene2 again.

Day 3, Tuesday Jan 3:
Single digits in the morning as we started the work week. Brrr!! The cold temperatures really emphasize the steam coming from this unit at work.
3/365+1 - A Cold Morning at Work #industrial #steam #p365+1
A simple Instagram Filter applied - Sutro

Day 4, Wednesday Jan 4:
After almost two weeks off, I had to get back to violin practice. As a result of my daughter re-arranging her bedroom, the furniture here is "new to this room", but with the late afternoon sun, it makes for a nice, airy music room.
4/365+1 Late Afternoon Practice #p365 #music #home
I applied the Rise Instagram Filter

Day 5, Thursday Jan 5:
It's back to school for the kids! Two weeks of staying up late and sleeping to noon are over. They were dragging a bit this morning, but heck, it's Thursday already, so I think they are getting off easy....
5/365+1 Back to the Grind (aka school)
Instagram again, Hefe Filter

Day 6, Friday Jan 6:
A warm end to the week - it hit 60 degF this afternoon. The sunrises and sunsets have been beautiful all week long and today was no exception. Taken at the stable, the girl was taking advantage of the warm weather with the horses.
6/365+1 Perfect Finish
I had an Instagram version of this, but I messed up the transfer to flickr, so this is pretty much the original photo.

Bonus iPhone photos! Because sometimes you can't stop taking photos....
After this morning's sunrise - contrails in the sky
Start of a Nice Day #sky #contrails

Spotted at lunch, outside a restaurant. Actually, I didn't spot the pair of boxers in the truck - an observant co-worker did. But I was the only one who took their picture.
Gone to the Dogs #dogsincars #dogsrule
I had to lighten up the doggie in the driver's side (Photogene2) and then I brought the adjusted picture into Camera+ and applied the Clarity enhancement to cut away the haze from the windshield.

I hope you enjoyed this week's photos!


  1. I am loving the instagram/iphone pics! My favorite is the dogs in the truck lol! And the first one is so pretty! I'm using my iphone a little more than I'd like so far for my 365. But it just does such a good job! Maybe I'll pull out my big camera today.

  2. Count me in as someone else who leans on her iPhone to keep her shooting. I love your photos thus far: the stable pictures are my favorite. I will keep looking in on your project!


  3. We have two boxers so this photo of these two in the truck TOTALLY cracked me up. Our male boxer loves riding shotgun in the passenger seat. LOL

    Great humorous photo!
