Saturday, January 28, 2012

P365+1 Week 4 - Cats, Horses and Camera Toys

With my knee injury, using my iPhone for my daily photo has been a blessing. I can no longer carry my purse with the DSLR in it - the purse is too heavy and I am worried I would drop it.

I spent last weekend confined to the house, but I still found interesting things to take pictures of [mainly because I was bored out of my mind!].

Saturday morning was super cold and windy, but the sun was shining and the cats basked in its warmth.
21/365+1 Soaking in The Morning Sun #cat #siamese

I stayed home from church on Sunday and Hannah woke early to peer out the dining room window.
23/365+1 - A Longing Look Outside #cat #silhouette

Monday - I had the MRI on my knee and Erica got her braces off, but she wouldn't let me take her picture. Teenagers! Instead, Sam hung out with me, trying to vie for my attention.
23/365+1 He Was Asleep All Morning Long And Now Wants Attention #cat #siamese #home

Tuesday - I went back to work at the office and got the official word from the doctor's office that I have a torn ACL in my left knee. I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon in late February - a long three weeks away - that was the earliest appointment they had! After work, I took the kids to have passport photos taken. I waited until Erica had her braces off because I thought she would appreciate having a non metallic smile for these photos. So much for that plan.....
24/365+1 Passport Renewal Photos

Wednesday - Look what came in the mail! This is what happens when I'm laid up with a bum knee - I start shopping....
25/365+1 New Toy for Me! #kodakbrownie #vintage #hawkeye #camera
A vintage Kodak Brownie camera. It's in great condition and I plan to buy 120mm film and try it out.

Thursday - A visit to the stable to see Caesar. Because of my knee, I am unable to go into the stable area - the ground is too uneven and today it was super muddy due to heavy rains that passed through the area. I'm relegated to the car and I got some reading done. I'm reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.
26/365+1 Reading Material #book

Friday - yet more camera toys (I told you I spent too much time online shopping)
27/365+1 Yet Another New Toy #olloclip #iphonography
The Olloclip attaches to the iPhone and comes with three lenses - macro, wide angle and fisheye.

Here is the first macro shot I took:
Stitched Bridle #olloclip #macro
The stitching details on Caesar's bridle. We were again at the stable, I was again stuck in the car.

In the stable, Erica took this picture of Caesar with his winter blanket:
27.5 / 365+1 All Dressed Up #horse #appaloosa
Since Caesar's winter coat doesn't come in as thick around his upper body, we bought a blanket for him to wear when the temps dip below 20 degF. We think he looks quite formal with his wrap.


  1. Obviously, a torn acl is not keeping you down. So sorry about that, Shirley. My husband had his operated on a few years back.

    Love the Brownie. It looks to be in great shape. I'm sure you are going to have alot of fun with it. :)

  2. Well, being side-lined is certainly not keeping you down. You've been quite busy...great photos. And, again, I'm having 'camera envy' over that cute brownie!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your knee! I bought a Brownie Camera last year, but I never thought of trying to use it! I'm shocked at what the Olloclip can do. I don't use my iPhone camera too often...maybe I should start! PS My dream has always been to have a horse. (o:

  4. Lovely photos. I hope your knee heals soon. I don't want you to be broke:)
