Friday, January 20, 2012

P365+1 Week 3 - Quite The Change of Plans

We started the week with snow, sprinkled in an altering event in the middle and ended with more snow.

Last Saturday, January 14 - Shadow in the snow:
14/365+1 Walk in The Snow #shadow #silhouette
I was out taking photos out in the snow after my morning marathon training run.

Sunday, January 15 - Snowball fights:
15/365+1 Snowball Fights #snow
The boys were taking advantage of the first snow. They tried to build a snow ramp, then decided there wasn't enough snow for sledding and went to option two - flinging snow at each other.

Monday, January 16 - Sushi:
16/365+1 Worth The Wait #sushi #nomnom #goneinthreeminutes
An impromptu dinner out at a "new to us" restaurant - and the sushi was consumed in three minutes. The restaurant abuts an Asian grocery store, so after dinner, we bought all sorts of fun Asian snacks like Pocky and Moochi. Yum!

Tuesday, January 17 - Trying to Stay Warm:
17/365+1 Trying To Stay Warm #selfie
I purchased this coat Saturday afternoon while at the Aeropostale with my son. I love the hood feature, it's warm and best of all, it was only $18.

Wednesday, January 18 - Sunny Start:
18/365+1 Sunny Start. #clouds #sky
The day started off nice enough. I love sunny mornings in the winter. Unfortunately, things didn't end so well Wednesday night....

Thursday, January 19 - The Result of Wednesday Night, aka, my marathon training is over:
19/365+1 My Marathon Training is Over #sad #fromwhereistand  #squaready
While playing soccer, I turned wrong and my left knee gave out a huge popping noise and then it gave away. The popping was so loud, the players on the side of the field heard it. I can't bear weight on it without it feeling like it's going to give out from underneath me. Had an X-ray today and an MRI scheduled for next week. Needless to say I won't be running any time soon.

Friday, January 20 - Today's Office:
20/365+1 Today's Office
I'm working from home today, trying to keep off the knee. Note the bag of ice next to the mouse - my knee has swelled up and I need to get the swelling down for the MRI to be effective (advice from a good friend).

What a difference a week makes, and while not necessarily the good kind of difference, in the grand scheme of things, things will be OK. I'm fairly certain, based on conversations with others, that I will be able to run again. I won't lie - I'm disappointed that I won't be able to run that marathon this year, but there will be other opportunities in the future.

I hope your week wasn't as "exciting" as mine!


  1. Oh no! I winced when I read about your knee. Keep off it, for sure! ((Hugs))

  2. Shirley . . . finally getting a chance to catch up with you. So, so sorry about the knee. (Cringe). On a good note . . . I'm glad you can still take pictures! Hope it ends up being something minor. Very minor. ((hugs))

  3. I'm so sorry about your knee. I saw it on twitter, but I didn't know what happened. I hope you are back to normal soon. From looking through your blog this morning it looks like you're finding lots of interesting things to capture!
