Friday, January 13, 2012

P365+1 - Week 2 in Instagram

Saturday morning, I stretched after a short run:
7/365+1 Stretching After this Morning's Run #selfie
I have to admit, I almost never take time to stretch, unless I am in some sort of group fitness class where the instructor runs through a stretching routine. Well, this morning I was still sore from a soccer game from Wednesday, so I took that extra time to stretch.

Sunday morning - the first group run:
8/365+1 5 Miles Down, 7 to Go #running
I've officially signed up to run my first marathon in April. Because it's my first, and because there is a great local training program, I signed up for it. Today was the first run with the training group, and while I don't like running on Sunday mornings (because I'm normally in church), I decided to go in order to meet the pace leaders. It just happens that I know the leader for my pace group (the guy in orange). We had a great 12 mile run.
The photo is fuzzy because when I run, I put my iPhone in a plastic baggie, and I took the picture without thinking how that would impact the camera lens. I really wasn't going for an arty look, LOL!

Monday afternoon - at the orthodontist:
9/365+1 Second to Last Orthodontist Checkup
This should be my daughter's second to last orthodontist appointment. In two weeks she's scheduled to get her braces off (FINALLY).

Tuesday morning - my daughter's breakfast:
\10/365+1 My daughter's breakfast.
I'm a pushover and make her breakfast and lunch every morning. As for the "coffee", I take my coffee, pour her about two ounces, then add 8 ounces of hot water. Then she adds the flavored creamer - a lot of it. Oh, and my coffee is 1/3 regular, 2/3 decaf. I think she just likes the creamer....

Wednesday night - indoor soccer:
11/365+1 Soccer League Game #iamsosore
The reason why I can't walk up the stairs on Thursday.... Somehow I signed up to play on a women's soccer league. I can run long distances, but I will tell you that sprinting and kicking require a different set of muscles because I am so sore! I know my legs will adjust in a couple of weeks, but for now they are in pain. Oh, we lost tonight's game, but we're getting better.

Thursday - Winter's back:
12/365+1 Winter Weather #snow #prairie
Our first Winter Weather Advisory which resulted in several inches of snow, which then blew around due to the 30 mph winds. Welcome to winter on the prairie. The 60 degF temperatures we enjoyed on Tuesday are but a faint memory now.

Friday - Lunch break:
13/365+1 Lunch at My Desk #food #work
I passed up a lunch invite to a local Mexican restaurant. I ate there yesterday and I needed to eat my healthier salad.

Are you doing a P365+1 this year? Using the iPhone and Instagram has made it so easy. I hope your week has been a great one and enjoy the upcoming weekend!


  1. I don't know what a P365+1 is. Have been blogging for 3 1/2 years and never heard of it. :-(

  2. Diane - It's a picture a day for the 365 days. This year with the leap year it's a P365 + 1. Simple!

  3. Love your week in photos Shirley! (I had to chuckle . . . I rarely stretch before or after a run either, and I can run long distances, but short sprints and sharp starts and stops play havoc with my knees.) You are such and inspiration!

  4. After 2 dislocated toes and a broken metatarsul, there is no running and the treadmill is limited. BUT, after reading your routine, I know I have to make a greater effort. The stationery bike gets dusted off this weekend!

  5. I AM doing a 365! :) Well..... 366 this year. :) This is my first time trying it out and YES I am using instagram because it is soooooo handy!

  6. i'm doing my 365+1 mainly via instagram this year. it does make it so much easier.
