Monday, January 23, 2012

Lessons Learned

Hold On

Since injuring my knee on Wednesday, I've learned several things:
  • Crutches look easy to use, but in reality there is nothing "natural" about sticking these contraptions under your arms, planting them and swinging your feet forward.
  • Crutches do get easier to use with time. The problem is thinking you have mastered them. That's when you could wipe out. Fortunately, no first hand experience here!
  • Stairs are quite frightful when you have a bum knee and are using crutches. I understand why ranch houses are popular for folks with knee issues.
  • There are a myriad of ways to maneuver up the stairs when you are on crutches. My son has determined at least 5 different variations and has demonstrated them all to me. I've stuck with his first one - if it works, there's no reason to risk falling down the stairs trying something else.
  • Crutches can serve as pretend guns. Just ask my son.
  • You can't carry anything when on crutches. I am thankful for pockets.
  • Heavy doors are impossible to open when on crutches. I am thankful for those automatic doors and people who hold open the manual doors.
I have a new appreciation for folks who have permanent mobility challenges - you really take those basic things for granted.


  1. Hang in there! I have experienced the frustration of using crutches, but I agree that you do learn to appreciate basic mobility when yours is limited. Hope you're back in motion on your own soon!

  2. Umm, you can carry lots of things when on crutches, providing they are hanging around your neck. lol Sorry about the hobbling crutch situation you are in... I'm sure it's just NO FUN at all.

  3. oh no, hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. This brought back memories. About 4 years I broke my foot and it was long long recovery. I used a walker and was in a surgical boot for forever. I got a real appreciation for those who are handicapped. And I NEVER mastered those crutches! :)

  5. Wishing you a speedy recovery, sure doesn't seem like any fun to me.
