Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Captured While it Lasted

Last week's snow is all gone today, washed away by rain and warm temperatures [55 degF yesterday - didn't see that predicted by the weatherman]. If you ever think that tomorrow will be a great day to get the camera out and take a picture, think again. It may be all gone tomorrow.

No more of this:
Blue Spruce

Or the white background on this one:

What's keeping you from capturing a bit of beauty today?


  1. Beautiful capture of a fleeting moment! I can see why these would have a heart connection for you.

  2. I love the second photo. Great color and the darker line just leads me back to the main subject. Nice shot!

  3. Just beautiful..... I would love to have a photography tutor! I'm attempting to learn my camera but my brain keeps holding me back. LOL.
