Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Photography Projects

The First DSLR Photo of 2012
The First DSLR Photo of 2012!

Start of the new year always brings the promise of fresh beginnings and new projects to try.

For two years, I did a Project 365, taking a picture every day and blogging about it. I took last year off - I got a little burned out by the demands of a daily photo - the year off allowed me to relax a little.

This year, I will be starting another Project 365+1 (+1 because of the leap year), but with several differences from what I had done in the past. This year, I won't blog every day about the daily photo. I think a weekly summary will be sufficient. I also plan to take all the pictures with my iPhone. Any edits will be accomplished using the apps I use on my iPhone, too.

I've also signed on with several friends from twitter - a weekly photo challenge based on a monthly theme. Two photos per week tagged with the twitter hash tag #POTW52. Add photos to the flickr group Friends Photo a Day Challenge or post to your blog. Pretty simple. January's theme is Black and White and I need to get hopping! I'll do this challenge using my big camera.

The last new project - a commitment to take at least one self portrait each week, as a part of Urban Muser's In the Picture Challenge. I started something similar in October and will continue. I think a monthly blog post with the selfies is all you'll have to endure!

Which Camera To Use This Year?
Which Camera to Use this Year? Both, of Course!

So, three newish projects, on top of weekly memes I've been involved with - [Texture Tuesday, This or That Thursday, etc], and the occasional post about what's going on in my family's life. I also want to complete a new Blurb Book which features all the photos I took last year. Yikes! It's going to be a full year!


  1. Happy New Years Shirley - Great photo start to your new year. I've considered the 365 (or 366 this year) - but have talked myself out of it each year.

  2. Happy New Year! Glad to see you'll be taking on some challenges, you keep me inspired to move along!

    I'll be joining the POTW52 this year and I'm looking forwarded to seeing everyone's work! I'll also be doing a 365 +1 based on Tasra365 Reinvented... I could use some discipline to keep me focus.

  3. Fabulous Shirley! Creative thinking at it's best! You look GREAT!
