Saturday, October 8, 2011


I drive by the park every morning, and huge row of trees that line the sidewalk have started to turn from green to bright yellow.
Yellow Row

Over the years, I've noticed that once these trees start to shed their leaves, it all happens very quickly - within a week, the tree limbs will be barren. Of course, I learned this the hard way, planning to "go back" on the weekend to take pictures, only to be greeted by a sea of yellow leaves at my feet.

Hints of Green

I stopped Monday morning to take these and I noticed today that the leaves are more than half gone. What a difference a few days makes.

A Light Dusting

I wish you a wonderful Saturday.


  1. Wow. I soooo miss seeing that. It doesn't happen or look quite the same here where I live, but I love fall anyway. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, by the way. Made my heart happy. =)

  2. My husband notices it the most. He comes home after a four day trip and he can't believe the change.
